So the world cup has been amazing. I've realized now that the past three world cups I've found time to watch a substantial number of the games. Korea in 2002 was a little tough because the games started at like 5:30 but it was great because it was right before I went to university and I wasn't working so I had the time. I watched Germany's games religiously as they rolled Saudi Arabia 8-0 even ancient strikers like Bierhoff were getting in on the action in that game. I also remember the memorable game in the quarters against USA where US fans to this day swear that Frings robbed the US of a goal with a handball on the goal line which remains controversial to this day. I also remember the heartbreak when Oliver Kahn the German keeper and Captain who had played AMAZING let in two soft goals against the fat old and extremely annoying (but still surprisingly agile and quick) Ronaldo. After that Germany had another great run in 2006 and another great run this year. As of 2006 I have also begun to follow the mexican side with great interest and hope taht they will do well.
Im not really sure if soccer has made me a better person per se or any thing like that but I know for sure that it is something that has helped me connect with people throughout the world which is something that hockey or other sports has not allowed me to. I hope that one day I will be able to cheer for Canada. Something interesting about the German team this year is that they have 11 players that were either born or have significant roots (raised or parents) from other countries such as Poland but also Brazil, Ghana, Turkey, Argentina Tunisia and others including key players such as Podolski, Klose, Cacoa. I'm hoping that Canada will follow this model and import more players with last names like De Rosario so that one day probably not anytime soon but one day before I die Canada just might make it to the World Cup ....... and not lose every game. In honour of this dream I have posted a current picture of the Canadian national soccer team. Notice the large contingent of "decidedly not white" players as well as the decidely "not originally from Canada" looking players to which I say come come and bring your friends
Yes, it has been so exciting and really brought people together, this cup. It was fun to see a coworker sporting a Spain jersey the first day of the cup, watch the opening game with Spence, watch several others with you guys, and cheer for the teams I felt like cheering for. I also hope to see Canada play sometime soon!
Good observation about Canada needing imorts for its soccer team. It worked in track and field with all the sprinters Canada imported from Jamaica, until they got busted for steroid abuse. Let's hope it turns out better for soccer.
I didn't realize that Canada hadn't made the world cup since 1986, something they mentioned a few times on cbc. People in the UK were surprised that a Canadian would even follow soccer because a common question there was "when was the last time Canada made the world cup?" and honestly I wasn't sure if they ever had qualified. Maybe things will change in the next decade though who knows
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