So i just found this old letter i wrote snej on his mission...
Dear Elder Schneid- June 7, 1999
How is everything? Sounds like life is rich and full of surprises. I’m glad I waited a day to write you cuz now I can respond to your letter(s) it was fun to get two at once. The investigators you guys are working with sound cool. And what’s up with that comp of yours? He likes jumping, eh? Well tell him that next time he can wait until he gets OUT of the elevator. Were you guys alone? What did you do for so long in a cramped up, boxy elevator? Write a book? A hymn?
I’m so ready to graduate right now!! Only 6 school days left. Next time I write you I’ll have even less school days left and then I’ll be FREE!
This weekend Mel and Ian were visiting. We had fun times. I was also at Relay for life Friday night. IT was this fun team fundraiser where we camped out at this high school and our team always had someone walking the track. We raised $2104. Awesome, huh? All for the Cancer Society. Saturday there was karaoke and stuff, so it was way fun. Oh, and the Senior play I was in ended.
Sunday was a really nice service. I had the coolest experience during fast and testimony meeting. See, cuz we’re doing this project in Humanities where we have to write our own personal credo, or our beliefs and values at this point in our lives. The tricky thing was trying to relate my beliefs (and the church views) to those of the philosophers we studied this year. At one point, after reviewing all our notes, (and believe me, I filled 2 scribblers!) I was so overwhelmed and confused that I hardly remembered basic church doctrines. Mom stepped up to the occasion and helped me out by reminding me about our purpose here on this earth- to live worthily to return to God. So my credo consisted of 3 points.
1. There is an ultimate truth, and it’s not relative.
2. We’re not here by chance, we have a purpose: to return to God.
3. Our choices are everything. They make up who we are and who we want to become.
But back to how this relates to the fast and testimony meeting… I really wanted to hear these words from someone else’s mouth and just be reminded about the simple gospel doctrines that I knew I believed in, but wanted to be reminded of. Here comes the cool part: Elder James, this neat-o Elder in our ward got up and said he’d been prompted to speak even though he didn’t know why… and he said exactly what I needed to hear. Heavenly Father answers our prayers! I was then able to feel the spirit enough to bear my testimony with conviction not only in Sacrament meeting, but again this morning when I presented my credo.
It’s the best school assignment I’ve ever been given.
That concludes the highlights of my life this week: more or less. As for last week – I was in Edmonton for Grad and it ROCKED! I think I owe you another letter cuz I didn’t write last week. Anyway, Grad ruled. After the dance and banquet we went out to Deb’s and jumped on the tramp, paddle boated, sat on his hammock, played tag, sherades, ate food. Had breakfast at Stringhams at 6:30 that morning. Slept for a few hours… church… a wicked fireside. Life is good. But, hey! Don’t be getting stuck in any more elevators. Luv – Goo.
ha ha
thought i'd then record the one i just wrote the latest Elder Schneider, too:
Elder Schneider! July 17, 2007
How are things? It sounds like you have a really cool district. I’m so glad that you guys are getting to be better friends. It’s amazing how awesome it is to serve as missionaries together, it really bonds you. I’m still really good friends with the people I served with. I bet you have some cool teachers over there in the MTC too. Are they nice to you guys? What about the food? Do you get a stomach ache like I did? A guy in my ward was telling me on Sunday night at his place that he and his roommates would have a ‘symphony of sound’ in their dorm room at night, and they weren’t shy to own up to their sounds either.
I had a fun time last night at FHE. There’s this girl in my ward named Brittany, who’s from Puyallup, actually, and is so hysterically funny. She had us all laughing last night as she talked about some of the angst of dating. She said she can’t multi date because she gets too confused about what stories she told one person and what stories she told another person, so she just dates one person at a time, otherwise she repeats herself in her stories. We were at Chili’s and it was fun that our waiter looked like Michael J. Fox.
This weekend Uncle Hu and Aunt Di and Hugo came to visit! It was such a blast to see them. We also had a fun time at this dance out in Glendale- it’s been a while since I was at a church dance! And there was the young adult film festival. I had a cameo role in one of the films, and it was really fun to hear the audience’s reaction to my acting/ my part. I like getting reactions from people. In the film I get dissed by this guy and everyone was like ‘aw…’ they said I showed the perfect blend of hurt and loneliness and anger.
Our Bishop was just switched this Sunday—we have a new one named Bishop Thomas, and he seems cool. Bishop Silva was Italian, I think, and his mom was there to visit- she has an Italian accent.
I’m so glad I’ve had this year to recuperate from my mission- so much happens, and it takes time to digest and understand how the Lord works and that he loves us so much, even when I’m not a full time missionary! He blessed me beyond measure on my mission and continues to bless me now! Yesterday (I haven’t really told anyone about this) the Elders just happened to stop by our door when they were tracting! We have some really great Elders. I was feeling a little negative at that moment, and instead of focusing on the positive things I’ve done I was thinking about some of the little mistakes I’ve made, for some reason. Well, the Elders coming right then was like a little sign to me that the Lord is aware of me and of my struggles in my heart. He loves me and is pleased with my service. The missionaries had such bright, smiling faces. I realized that that’s what it was like for my investigators when they answered the door to my companion and I. Just seeing their faces brought such joy and happiness! They shared a scripture there at the door about how the same struggles we face now as missionaries were faced by Paul and Alma and Amulek, and all the great missionaries of the past. It’s the same work, with the same hopes and trials and struggles and opposition. (1 Cor 2:16.)
Well, I'm so proud of your good attitude, Elder Schneider! Sure love ya!