Sunday, February 3, 2008

Jordan's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Jordan!!
One of my favorite Jord stories is when he was first learning to talk - he was about 18 months old...... First, just a little background to the story, going back to before he was born. I was tired of being pregnant... Jordan's due date had passed two weeks ago. Our friends, the Musgraves thought that the best way to bring on labor was to take OJ and I out for Mexican food. So they did. I ate lots of guacamole. And about three hours later, I went into labor.
From that day on, the Musgraves' nickname for Jordan was 'Guac'. He endured it for about 18 months. One day when Pete came over, he knelt down and said to Jordan, "Hellloo Guac!" Jordan, who had not yet spoken in any complete sentence, scrunched up his face and announced, "I not Guac!"
Pete was just a little taken aback, but I noticed from that day on he called Jordan, well - Jordan.
Jordan has been expressing his opinions with good results ever since.
Have the best birthday ever!
Love Mom and Dad

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