Sunday, July 20, 2008


I just have to make the comment that Meliss is handling bedrest with such flair! I've never seen someone take a hard situation and turn it into something positive in the way she has. She is reading, writing, organizing her home, watching movies, finishing longterm projects, and is delightful to see. I enjoy visiting her right now because she is thoughtful and curious about the world in a new way. She has fun insights from the books she's reading and ready and willing to converse about it. I am so impressed with her ability to submit to her situation with a positive attitude!

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Here I am in LA and I have to say that I agree 100% with Linds- Meliss is really taking the ball and running with the whole bed rest gig - and not an easy thing to do if you've got a Melissa energy level. Way to go Meliss! And your baby twins thank you too!
Love Nan