Remember that part in Jerry Maguire where he's driving down the highway and he's singing along to the song Free Falling playing on the radio? I remember my own little moment when life was an open road..maybe a little too open. Choices were almost inaccessible because of their abundance. I found myself on a road trip with a couple of buddies singing our hearts out to Free Falling by Tom Petty...or maybe that was just me singing my heart out, I can't remember. What I do remember is feeling for a brief wonderful moment the excitement of not knowing the next step, of free falling out into nothing and thinking whatever comes next...it could be great...it could be terrible...it could be the best thing that ever happened to me. Like a nervous but overly pumped up contestant on The Price is Right...you never know if you're going to be the next big winner. I think the truth of it is, we are all on that precipice whether we realize it or not - at least I like to think we are because day after day of dishes, laundry, meal prep, repeat, repeat, repeat - it's easy to start thinking I'm on a treadmill rather than the open road. But we are all on the open road.
Here's a link to the song -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3phscjgc_A&feature=related - the video that plays severely detracts so just close your eyes, turn up the volume and have a little free fallin' moment of your own.
I tried closing my eyes and listening to the music and it was totally surreal.
One of the main reasons we are here on earth is to develop faith, and I think that means we don't know what is going to happen next, but we think it is going to turn out alright. Faith is things hoped for, but not seen - ?free fallin'
I loved your comments. When I came home from my mission and you and Snej had moved to Scotland I remember we were both facing new roads and you gave me so many great quotes and even a CD with music about 'Change.' Too fun. Now the process repeats. Anyway, it was helpful then. and I still have the quotes and music, so now I will share some words I've found helpful lately! A part from your post that stands out to me is the part about some of those mundane daily tasks. I came across a talk by Pres Hinckley- it was just right there on the front page of the lds site. https://lds.org/general-conference/1996/10/women-of-the-church?lang=eng&cid=email-shared .
anyway, it's a goody that made me feel important in my role as a woman! There are exciting adventures in life and there's dailiness too...
love you!
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