Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There were lots of fun times with the Puente boys in LA the past couple weeks. This was one of the coolest....
It's a BIG event every Wednesday morning, especially for Chrish....
He helps to line up the garbage and recycling bins JUST SO on the curb in front of the house and then he waits.... The SECOND he, or any of the boys hear the sound of a big truck on the road they race outside to line up on the sidewalk and watch the action. Here's what happens - the garbage guys see the spectators waiting for the show and they honk their horn and give a big wave and smile. Then the big cool crane thing dips down and grabs onto one of the bins, hoists it into the air, flips it and dumps it into the dumpster. All with lots of loud, grinding sound effects. The boys almost break into applause. I almost break into applause. Then the bin is plonked down and the garbage guys beep their horn again, smile and wave and drive off. It's all over in less than a minute and then Chrish wants to close all the open lids on the bins. Then he wants to walk down the street and close everyone else's lids.
It's a very cool, very amazing show. And it's free. I don't know what I liked more - watching the trucks or watching the boys watch the trucks :)

1 comment:

Eileen Young said...

I enjoyed seeing the boys watching the truck. Good post.
Grannie (gigi)