Hi gang,
This past Sunday we had ward conference at the MI ward. We were a little nostalgic since it is probably the last
ward conference we will be able to attend there with our move to Edmonton.
President Johnson, our stake president, spoke on grace. He said it is not emphasized enough in our church. We tend to focus more on works. Two stake officers sang "Amazing Grace" in a truly amazing way. This hymn was in our earliest hymnal selected by Emma Smith, but was removed from the later versions in the 1850's for being too Protestant.
Bishop Tracy spoke on the interconnectedness between physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The Tracys have always been good friends and an inspiration to all of us. Of their six children one passed away and three have been affected by either serious illness or disability.
Bishop Tracy referred to his eldest son's physical ailment and mentioned that even though we cannot always heal those physical ailments, we can always heal and even prevent our spiritual ailments.
He reminded us that spiritual ailments are healed with a daily dose of two incredible tools. Heavenly Father has the power to make everything right. We access that power directly through scripture study and prayer. That's what helps us stay connected to the source of truth. Illnesses, no matter what kind they are, are trials of mortality and if we endure them well, and fulfill our part of the covenants we have made with Heavenly Father, we are promised that no blessings will be withheld from us.
I pray that we can all remember this remarkable promise.
Good reminder - thanks for that. I needed it.
I like the cool flower pic! How'd you get it to sparkle like that?
I love this post.
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