Sunday, February 22, 2009

Colourful Creations

Char's painting post with Oliver was perfectly timed with an activity I did with Caleb and Julian. We used food colouring and a bit of milk to mix colours together. The boys had a really good time. We mixed red, blue and yellow milk, and then mixed a little of each of those to make green, purple and orange. Then we mixed all of those together to make brown. Or 'chocolate' as Julian liked to call it. At the end we put cheerios in the orange milk. We made a baking soda volcano too. With the twins I don't think mom's ready to take on Easter eggs or paint, but milk is a little more my speed. The boys had fun with it!


C.J. Schneider said...

What a GREAT idea. Oliver would love doing that, I'm putting food colouring on my shopping list.

Coleen said...

How fun!! I'd love to have the boys show me how to cook with food coloring and milk next time I'm down!