The last time the Schneider grandsons got together was three and a half years ago when there were only three of them. This time there were six little boys who showed up to what we hope becomes an annual Schneider cousin camp. It was way too much fun. Every little event - even a trip to the grocery store or making pancakes and swimming in the inflatable pool, became a PARTY, and everyone got along so well. I think its cool that the three eldest grandsons were all blessed on the same day and that the three youngest grandsons all share the same birthdate.
Gramps and I feel very blessed to have such wonderful little boys in our lives.....
We had such a wonderful time. Thanks guys!
Oliver had such an amazing time with all of the cousins - he was so sad when the Puente boys left...I have a pic of him just standing, staring out the window at the empty back yard. I could read his thoughts "now what?"
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