Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sweet Deal

One of the things Dad and I like about plane rides is just getting to and from the Seattle airport. The Seattle light rail now takes you all the way to Sea Tac airport, so for the last few months I've hopped on the train there for almost all my flights. I either get a ride to the Mercer Island Park and Ride from a friend or take my car there, park it, and have someone pick it up later and drive it home. Then I take a ten minute bus ride to downtown Seattle and hop on the train. Half an hour later I'm at the airport. And it costs a grand total of $2.50.
Every ride is an adventure. One time I met a little white haired lady at the bus stop. She didn't have a bus pass or enough change (has to be exact) to get on the bus. But she did have 5 quarters. And I had 5 quarters. I gave them to her and she was so happy that she gave me a $2 coupon to Baskin and Robbins that she found at the bottom of her purse. Wonder what'll happen tomorrow on my way to catch my flight to Edmonton...


Grampa said...

Public transit is a riot, especially in Seattle. The most interesting people are there. I must say I've enjoyed riding the train with Nana.

woozie said...

I've also enjoyed Seattle public transportation, it can be a good experience. I also just read that a Forbes survey voted Seattle the third coolest city in the country! It's rated after New York City and Las Vegas which are tied for first. Pretty good though, I'd say. I've always loved Seattle and I guess I've been the Schneider kid who's lived there the longest.