Saturday, July 31, 2010

Working with Les Sykes

So this past week I have worked with the living legend Les Sykes. He has been remodeling the Belgravia home and I have been able to lend him a hand. I have learned how to put siding on a house, install door knobs, and do other kind of house stuff. Les has been helping remodel or fix things around our home for probably 15 years since he did stuff at the Brander Gardens house. Les knows how to fix and make anything. He has built his own home, he can fix computers, and he can fix cars. Les could basically could get himself out of any mechanical job, just like McGyver.


Coleen said...

Les even did stuff for us at our first Belgravia house, so he truly is a living legend. He needed a sidekick the last couple weeks, so glad you could step up Rico!

Bonnie White said...

The world needs more Lesses! At least my world does.

Grampa said...

Les is one of the real heroes of our era - a true man of science and industry.