Monday, August 23, 2010

I think I've got a bit of a green thumb

Today I went out on our balcony and brought in all of the herbs I've been growing over the summer because I'm nervous about the growing chill in the air. I pulled them inside and gathered them together. It was hugely satisfying to see them all there after a summer of watching how hardy thyme is, how delicate basil can be, how parsely just shot out in the lead in terms of growth but suffered and wilted when there was too much heat (which my chili plant thrived in). I could go on about the little personalities I've discovered in my plants. Tonight as I sat for a moment admiring how much my herb garden has grown I felt incredibly grateful that I've had the opportunity in my life to watch little things grow. To nuture them , worry over them and to hope for them. I was telling John a few days ago that when you have kids you get these precious and amazing gifts of patience, love, understanding, wisdom (the list goes on and on) but that you are required to journey into the very heart of Hades itself in order to redeem your gift vouchers. I guess I forgot to mention that aside from the trips to Hades, bonus trips to Mt. Olympus are included in the package as well. The view is second to none. You get to peek into the life of the Gods and witness the miracle of life like you've never seen it before. I am incredibly grateful that I have the opportunity to watch my little ones grow (and no, I will never stop complaining about those horrid trips to Hades).


Bonnie White said...

Char your writing resonates with me. I had never considered this aspect of "redeeming gift vouchers" but now that you put it like that I might not ever think of it in any other way. Thanks for this post.

Coleen said...

Char! I'm with Bonnie. So love the metaphor of these unique gift vouchers that can only be redeemed after checking out Hades. Those gifts are always the best.
Love love love the photo :)

Eileen Young said...

A trip to Hades can come on suddenly, but when you get there back track as fast as you came in. The trip to Mt Olympus may be more difficult because of the climb- but how we want to linger.Press on!
The boys are 'angels'

2x2momma said...

amen to all of that Char!

2x2momma said...

amen to all of that Char!