Summer is here in northern Alberta, along with millions of uninvited guests, flying, buzzing, biting, drawing blood, and generally afflicting and tormenting.
A very rainy spring left many pools of standing water which are a perfect breeding ground for, you guessed it, MOSQUITOES. The local researchers tell us that we have at least 36 different species of these little pests, and some of them are attracted to the CO2 that we exhale, and some of them use infrared to target their victims. Both methods seems to be working well, as this is the worst mosquito season here in 30 years. Part of the reason is that efforts to
spray them have been hampered by high winds, although we suspect that this is just the official excuse to cover local government mismanagement...
Bug spray has been flying off the shelves and some are even hoping for an early frost to kill them. As the weather gets warmer and drier, the numbers are expected to decrease. We're getting a small taste of what the Egyptians must have felt when Moses unleashed the plagues on them. It's a great opportunity for character building.
Love and swats to all,
So are these little character builders one of the reasons the Schneider kids are so outstanding? Asks their Mother - modestly.
Whew! I've been getting enough bites of my own down here, and I'm sure it's not nearly as bad.
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