Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Truly the most exciting thing about hanging out with Rico is this - you never EVER know what to expect. Take for example any random question directed Rico's way - most of the time the answer is 'good' or 'I don't know'. But OUT OF THE BLUE an answer comes at you that is at least ten minutes long, with passionate and eloquent opinions about anything at all - like the 'vibes' of different cities or even the merits of DNA testing.
Or say on Christmas Eve when you know for a fact that Rico CANNOT be coerced or even bribed to get off the couch -- then you see him break into a dance routine with his sister. Or when he has you convinced that its DOUBTFUL he will be accepted into the school of accountancy and he gets early admission almost immediately after he submits his application.
David is known for his incredible ability to work like a crazy man and focus on any given task that comes his way - the brand new fence at our Belgravia house is one example. After one 10 hour day I asked Rico if he wanted to come in for something to eat - and his answer was - 'I can't - I'm obsessed - I've gotta get this thing DONE' :) Even 'Legendary Les' complimented Rico on his work ethic. He takes things seriously - himself especially - but he's also known for his unique, wry sense of humor and his fresh angles of looking at the world. He likes sports, Glee, pretend play with his nephews, Subway and doing things right.
Congratulations on successfully navigating your way through your post mission year David. Thanks too for getting the ball rolling and igniting our family into a FIFA frenzy, for driving the MOST BORING ever 10 hour solo trip from Provo to LA just so your little sister could have a car, for trying to accomplish everything you do with exactness and honor - never any shortcuts - and at the same time being your own man.
Love you so so so much David.
Happy Birthday!


mrpuente said...

Happy Birthday Rico! You've grown into a fine man. I'm sure you will have great success and happiness. Have a great day, today!

LiNds said...

Rico you are such a pleasure! I'm so glad that you're my brother. It's fun when you spark up with silly or expanded answers to questions, and fill us in on your internet research. I hope you have another fabulous year!

Snej said...

It's been good having you around this summer and was especially good fun watching some world cup games together. Oliver will certainly miss playing monster with you when you head back to Provo. Hope you have a great birthday!

Grampa said...

Rico, it's been such a pleasure having you around this summer. You have an inimitable style and work ethic. I really appreciate your unique insights on so many topics. The computer expertise is also great.

Have a phenomenal year!!!!!


woozie said...

Happy birthday Rico! Wish I could be there for it but I know you'll have an awesome day. I truly appreciate you driving the car here to LA, that was really nice of you to do! It's been fun hanging out with you at BYU this past year and I'm excited to hang out with you more this year. Thanks for being a great big brother, happy birthday again!

beej11 said...

Happy Birthday Rico!
I hope that you have a great celebration with many unexpected twists and turns in true Rico fashion. I hope youve enjoyed Edmonton and the internship and I'm sure you will love BYU

Bonnie White said...

My first experience with Rico when he was three "Good bye you horse's head" as he bid farewell to Nathan. Even at 3 Rico knew what anatomy was appropriate. And then we had the lovely pleasure of having Rico live with us one summer when he donned the lovely envible red 7-11 uniform. Always a pleasure to be around you Rico. Always and forever.

Happy Birthday!

Rico said...

Thanks everyone for all the birthday posts! And thanks to everyone who participated in the birthday party!

C.J. Schneider said...

Rico - I hope you had a great birthday, thanks for all the times you've helped out with Oliver and Benjamin - you have no idea how much mothers with young children appreciate any shred of help that comes their way!!!!