Mom and Dad you are an inspiration to us and we love you! Happy THIRTY FIFTH wedding anniversary! and on this special day buzzing with excitement about the royal wedding, we admire your love and commitment to each other. So to honor this day we started a list of things we love about you two… some about Mom in particular, some about Dad in particular, and some about the two of you (vidva in Slovene)- so since we couldn’t keep it to just 35 and more will be added, I think it’s a good sign that the love you have and the example you set is a vibrant, growing and long-lasting incredulity!
From Ian:
Oliver is one of the most humble, long-suffering people I've ever met. He carries such a huge load and I've never heard him complain. He is a great example of selfless service.
Coleen is incredibly generous and I truly appreciate how much she loves the grandkids. Couldn't ask for a better Nana!
The two of them have cultivated such a great relationship. It’s nice to find a couple that really are eager to serve one another and the two of them are a great example. Something for me and Melissa to aspire to!
From Beej:
I like how Dad has always shopped at the thrift store so that he would have enough money to take us on vacation and buy nice things such as tuition for all the kids. I like how Mom is always willing to help whenever she is wanted or asked to help and even sometimes when she's not exactly asked but still knows that her help is needed. The thing I like about them the most as a couple is how I recall very few instances as to when they ever fought and I have never ever heard either of them ever make a disparaging remark or even a sarcastic put down or anything like that behind the other's back which is amazing.
From Wooz:
I love Dad's sense of humor. It's often when you're least expecting it that he will say some funny remark, like a one-liner or just a bizarre statement that relates in some way to what we're talking about. It often catches me off guard but I always love hearing it. Dad is great at those one liners. I love talking to Mom about anything. Whenever I have a problem of some sort, she always has some great advice to give and when I'm discouraged she always makes me feel better.
I think Mom and Dad are great as a couple because they are different in a lot of ways but they also have a lot of similar interests and hobbies, like hiking/walking. Both their differences and similarities show how they complement each other so well. Love you both!
From Spence:
One thing I've grown to appreciate about Oliver is his level-headedness. It doesn't matter whether the situation seems to call for, Oliver is always unflappable. This attitude reflects on the rest of the family so they also benefit from a calm demeanor.
One thing I've grown to appreciate about Coleen is her desire to give her family any support she can, especially on the road. Whether it's traveling to Edmonton to support Oliver, John and Jordaon or to Los Angeles to assist with Melissa's children, she's willing to put herself second and do whatever she can to help out her family.
One thing I appreciate about both of them is the complementary strengths they bring to any situation. Having been together for so long, they know what each one would be better at accomplishing and what they would be better off doing themselves.
From Meliss:
I love how Dad is just a really hard worker. He gets up early to work, helps clean up after meals, works at his callings, and just I always remember him working really hard. I love how Mom really tries to make family a priority. She works hard to find times when we can get everyone together and she has made it a priority to be close with and visit her parents and siblings. I also like how as a couple they love our family and are always encouraging and supporting us.
From Rico:
One of the things I really like about Dad is that he is unselfish. He is always thinking about ways to keep people happy and he never makes a deal about his accomplishments although they are many. He never makes things revolve around him.
The thing I like about Mom is that she is very festive. She makes the holidays an event. And even though she has many traditions and decorations, she still keeps the focus on the core things of a holiday. For example with Christmas she still helps us remember Christ's birth and on Easter she still helps us remember Christ's Atonement. She does not let the side decorations become a sideshow.
The thing I like about them as a couple is that they are both united in the cause of making the family happy. They make sacrifices as a couple for others.
From Linds:
I love how Mom's always so fun loving, planning great activities and keeping cool traditions, even on your visits here in L.A. (Jrs) You also like to try new things! (Griddle) I think those are two qualities that balance each other well!
Dad's always loving, greeting me in the morning with a nice smile and cheerful words, or sending nice words on email. He’s such a support, great example and a good study buddy of the news or of the scriptures. Intelligent man!
I love that they are active as a couple, hiking, traveling, taking us out on sightseeing adventures or boat rides, but especially that you walk and hike and ski together- it's so fun to see the pics of you two out in nature! I love that!
From Snej:
About mom:
Mom has always been there for us when we've needed her. She has always been willing to help out especially when we're in a jam, whether it's driving somewhere, proofreading an essay last minute or just being there generally when we need her. She is very generous in helping out and will always be appreciated for doing so.
About dad:
I love how dad always loves to spend time with us and enjoys spending time with the boys who always look forward to his visits. He has always been very generous with both his time and his willingness to surprise us with extra little things which are always appreciated and he has always had a great sense of humour.
Other things we love:
That you have been happily married for so long!
That you had the same wedding date and cake as the Royal Couple, which we think marks good taste! Points for you for April 29th and Fruit Cake!
We love you!!
So do kate and will ;)

I think what I appreciate most about you two is how relentlessly committed and fiercely loyal you are to your family. I love you both and hope you have a lovely anniversary!
What a fun day! I am covering for a girl who is attending a wedding at the place where I worked for a while as I planned my wedding, on the anniversary of my parent's wedding! Hmmm... any other marriage related activities today?
Thank you for all your kind comments. This is a great anniversary present.
Love you all,
Wow! This is the sweetest, best anniversary present ever. You've made this day extra special!!
Thank you so much everyone,
Love Love Love,
Grannie will have the last word-
As I was looking at the picture of C/O in this blog and the picture of W/K I couldn't resist this comment which came to my mind: a) beautiful pictures, both. BUT Coleen's dress is every bit as beautiful as Kate's
b) Kate's dress was made for her by a house of haute couture but Coleen's was made by a 'unique house' - by her mom!
And I may boast, her fruitcake was made by me, but decorated by an English lady who had recently come from the British Isles.
All this labor was made with love that only a mother can have for her daughter.
Well I guess I should have the last word Mom because I need to thank you for all that Love over all these years. Love you too!
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