Sunday, September 20, 2009

Choir Choir Choir

TodaY I got a text asking if I could meet with one of the Bishopric members. I knew what was coming, because last week they asked me if, theoretically, I were to be called as the Choir Director, would it be something I would want to do? I had said yes. Sure enough, my opportunity came today. My home teacher, who is also in the Bishopric, called me in and extended the calling. It was exciting to be given such an assignment, because I think it will be fun. I LOVE music. Immediately I had all these ideas of things I could do and the music we could create and how we would do the Christmas program. I always learn and grow so much from my callings and I know there's a reason the Lord wants me to do this right now.


C.J. Schneider said...

I'm so glad you're excited about your new calling. I was choir director during a few of my university years and I remember having to resort to bribing people to come. I think little chocolates work best - no baking yet still gets the job done of remedying low blood sugar levels immediately after church.

Coleen said...

Linds I can hardly wait to come to your ward to hear the choir sing.

LiNds said...

haha... thanks for the tip, char! i love it. an 'assistant' will also be called on Sunday so I am excited about that ;)

Eileen Young said...

This calling is meant for YOU. Who could do a better job? You, only you.
Congratulations. Wish I were in your choir maybe I'd learn to harmonize.
Love you