Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What We've been up to-Project 365

I decided to post some of the Project 365 Pages (a scrapbooking project where you take one photo for ever day and then write about that day a little) that I've been scrapbooking as a way of recording our lives. I love to keep a photo journal of this exciting time of our lives! I've been taking an online photography class because as I've been taking so many photos for this project I've found that I want to learn how to use my camera better and try to take better photos. The class is just ending and I think my pictures have improved a lot! I've also learned a lot about my camera. Anyways, here's some of our photos. If you click on the page you can read some of the journaling.


Coleen said...

Meliss- I loved being with all of you last week - I'm a star witness that this really is an exciting time in your family's lives. Your amazing record will help you to never forget how magical it was.

Grampa said...

Thanks for sharing with us. We get a sense of your life with four beautiful boys. The photography is incredible, especially since it must be tough to get co-operation from the subjects.

LiNds said...

This was an amazing post! Thanks!! I love the lighting in some of these photos and you manage to capture the most adorable expressions.

C.J. Schneider said...

Your photos are fantastic (I'm sure it helps that your boys are all sooo adorable!)