Monday, November 9, 2009

I thought doing The Limbo was supposed to be fun

Jordan and I are in limbo. Limbo, according to the Catholic church, is where lost souls abide on the edge of Hell. Although I enjoy getting overly dramatic about things at times, I wouldn't say we are abiding on the edge of Hell just yet. We are however, in a rather uncomfortable spot of transition where we are neither at our destination nor are we fully at our point of (intended) departure and as much as we try to proactively steer our own ship, we find ourselves inevitably at the mercy of the waves and storms of flat sales, job offers and passport applications.

From some brief internet research I read regarding the Limbo dance (which originates from Trinidad): "It is believed, that the people of Trinidad during this dance portrayed going down in the hold of a slave ship which carried them off into slavery. No matter how they twist or turn, squirmed or arched they would go deeper and deeper, some would make it, some would not."

This story, the image of the struggling and squirming, resonates with me - I don't mean to trivialise the plight of the slaves - I just mean I understand trying to wriggle through a situation while watching the bar above steadily lower down on me. This is not a post of sadness, hopelessness or the thoughts of one lacking faith - this is just where we're at right now. I mean just look at that guy in the picture - it's not an easy position to be in. It takes muscles, stamina and some fire retardant clothing.


Coleen said...

Luckily you and Jordan have muscles, stamina and fire retardant clothing, as well as a sense of humor about it all:)

LiNds said...

Glad you can put such eloquent words to the tricky situation in order to put a spin on it and make it endurable

Eileen Young said...

Beautifully crafted blog. But we learn so much more when 'in limbo'
Pray fervently, live righteously and your desires
will soon come to pass.
We're cheering for you and hope to see you here soon.

Grampa said...

Very graphic imagery, Char. In the immortal words of Bobby McFerrin, "Don't worry, be happy."


2x2momma said...

I'm well acquainted with the feeling of being in limbo ... we were only supposed to be renting this place for a year and almost three years later we're still here with no firm sight of land. Ah yes, it can be excruciating at times, but what do they say? Pain helps us appreciate the joy?? ;)