Happy Birthday, Rico!! It's a milestone passing the big quarter century.
Congratulations on graduating from college - another milestone.
I admire how you're able to analyze and think things through and then make your good decisions.
I admire the brain power behind all your knowledge about movies and sports.
I know this will be your best year.
Luv, Dad
Happy Birthday David! I love how your brain is always in gear - analyzing and processing and retaining all those amazing facts. And I love your sense of humor. Your one-liners always come from whatever's happening right at that moment and are one-of-a-kind. Sort of like you. You never pretend to be anyone other than you.
And - your smile is the best.
Have a great year!
Love Mom
I love David's wry sense of humour, he often pulls out these great, classic lines like "Family Reunion!" in the Banff cemetery when the mama and baby deer came together. He quietly and kindly helped me, the boys and G&G when we were visiting in Edmonton and is just an all around really great guy. Thanks for being you David, and have a super day! Love- Meliss
I've always liked the way that David really throws himself deeply into things he's interested in. Whether its literature (Harry Potter and LOTR) or learning to be a handyman, he approaches things with a intensity and focus that's really admirable. I hope its a great birthday David and a great year!
Happy Birthday Rico. You have a great sense of humour and it's always interesting to hear your insights on the sporting world. It's been good to see you over the past summer and hope you have a great year.
Happy birthday David! One thing I admire about you is that I've never seen you be false or insincere in all the time that I've known you. You are just you and I love that. I also feel like we're kindred spirits in our common appreciation of "Community". You're a work hard, honest, down to earth kind of a guy and I hope this next year is full of surprises, happiness and season 4.
I LOVE how Rico has the best sense of humor. I even love the tone you take when you make a joke:) It's this uniquely RICO tone, and when you take it on we know you're going to say something hysterical because you have the most incredible talent of getting to the root of a situation and succinctly sharing it's humor.I also think it's pretty awesome that of all the pianists in the family Rico seems to play the most jazz-y type music. I think that's cool. It's such a blessing to be your sister and I am so proud of you, your accomplishments, and your heart of gold.Lindsay
I admire David's passion about things. The one that comes to mind is his strong desire to correctly introduce me to the Ben and Jerry's experience the Schneiders do. He is also very good with his nephews (and now his niece).
I like the way Rico is one cool customer. His knowledge and appreciation of sports and pop culture is robust and ever flourishing. His dedication to school and working hard is a great example to me.Happy Birthday Rico I hope it's a good one!BeejI really enjoyed having Rico around in Provo these last three years. We had fun getting dinner, watching movies, playing games, dressing up for halloween, etc. He was always up for doing something with me, his little sister, which I really appreciated! Not all older siblings are so easygoing and willing to do that. I will miss him next year, but I know he's on to bigger things! Happy 25th birthday Rico, I hope you have a great year.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
Hope you enjoyed being Poseidon on your birthday!!!
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