Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting into a New Groove

January has been a month for big changes in our household, at least for me. There have been so many changes that all tie into each other that it's hard to even know where to start.

First, Isabel no longer comes four days, she comes for two days.

The babies are older and more independent now. They are mobile, talking and interactive and it's taking some getting used to.

Also, I finally completely quit nursing at the end of December, and that's been a huge change in terms of time and energy which has been wonderful.

I'm doing a lot more housework now without Isabel around. In some ways this has been a really good thing because I've gotten my head into the game and for the first time in three years I'm really organizing everything. Isabel kept our house clean, but she often had little piles of objects everywhere because she didn't know where things went. Nobody did. Organizing all the toys, clothes, and misc. items has been a huge project and a lot of work that has taken up most of my month of January.

I've also started working 4-16 hours a week from home. Last year I was asked to edit a few videos for the church's welfare department to use at Welfare Square and on the internet. This year they asked me if I wanted to continue doing it. Since I love the work and the money is helpful I feel like I can't say no, but it's definitely more for me to shoulder right now.

I'm also making a big effort to read my scriptures and exercise, which are really great but don't fall into the fun or relaxing category.

In fact, it seems like not much is falling into the fun or relaxing category! I miss it but don't know how to fit it in right now. I used to often spend my evenings relaxing, scrapbooking, etc. but I find that by the time I finish cleaning I don't have the time/ energy for that. I feel guilty for not documenting our lives the way that I would like to, or the way that I did last year with Project 365. I also don't blog very often anymore, check my email, etc. etc.

Anyways, I know this isn't a very exciting post, and it's been great to have mom here this week so that I can finish up a lot of the organizing and actually have some time to make a post, exciting or not. I guess it just kind of fits with what's been going on lately. Not terribly exciting... but solid and stable ;) Hopefully the changes work themselves out soon.


LiNds said...

I'm right with you with the solid and stable feeling... student teaching has been a whirlwind and it's picking up even more! Not a lot of time for the fun and relaxation. I have to say though that your kids say the funnest, most exciting things! Julian, 'we HAD a light night...'(or did he say light light?) Caleb, (head back, eyes closed as we ate breakfast)- Me, 'what are you doing, Caleb?' Caleb, 'I'm Sleeping!'

Coleen said...

Hanging with you all in LA reminded me how crazy and fun! your life is! Solid and stable must actually be a welcome break for you :)

C.J. Schneider said...

How frustrating. Like those guys in the circus who juggle plates. Call me if you ever want to talk, vent, rejoice....whatever.