Sunday, February 14, 2010


How did Valentines Day get started? No one knows for sure, but I like this story :)

It's third century Rome and Emperor Claudius expected men to volunteer for his army. Not many signed up. They didn't want to fight in wars and they didn't want to leave their wives and families. Claudius wasn't pleased and he came up with the idea that if men weren't married they'd sign up for his army. So he decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. So did a certain priest named Valentine.

He began to marry couples in secret. Until he was caught. He was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. Many young people came to the jail to visit him. They threw flowers and notes up to his window.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit Valentine in the cell. On Feb 14, 269 AD, which was the day Valentine was to die, he left his friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it, "Love from your Valentine."

It's thought that note started the custom of exchanging messages of love and friendship on Valentine's Day. Almost 2000 years later, every time a valentine is sent it just shows - Nothing can stand in the way of love :)

Happy Valentines Day! - And like we all say at the end of our phone chats - Love Ya!



reddy said...

Funny, my bishop told this story in sacrament today. . .

Eileen Young said...

Thanx for your informative blog.
hope to see you soon!Love

2x2momma said...

I was reading a bit about this in one of the library books we got out about Valentine's Day. It's a lovely story!

LiNds said...

So that's how it all began! I had not heard that story before. Geez, the holiday's been going on a long time! Love ya too!

C.J. Schneider said...

Hey, I love this post. I had no idea there was such an interesting history behind Valentine's Day.