Friday, April 30, 2010

Some other guy's blog

Thought this was pretty funny - it's from some other guy's blog who I follow from time to time.

Sometimes pranks at church can be funny.
Like one time in my old ward, I started messing around with my Ward Clerk and one week I paid my month’s tithing in pennies.
So then each week, when he was going around counting people during sacrament meeting, when he got to me, he would start counting audibly and was like "eighty, eighty one, eighty two, (points at me) eighty two and A HALF..."
So then one week I changed the program so instead of saying he was the ward clerk, it said he was the ward jerk.
So then one week he transferred my records to some ward in Idaho.
So the next week I put a whoopee cushion on his chair in Elder’s Quorum.
But then the next week we found out he had been stealing the ward’s tithing money and he was probably going to get excommunicated.
I didn’t quite get that last one, but it just goes to show that sometimes pranks at church can go too far.


beej11 said...

Hey Char what blog was that again. I remember you and Snej sending me the link a while back but I can't remember. I remember it being very very funny.

C.J. Schneider said...

The address is:

The posts are pretty funny but I also find that some of the true gems are found by reading through the comments.