Monday, May 31, 2010

Northwest Folklife

Sorry to do two posts in a row, but I am behind after all :)
I just had to say that Folklife, the music festival that happens every year on Memorial Day weekend in Seattle, is awesome! There is free admission, and basically different folk music and dance groups of all different ethnicities convene in Seattle center to showcase their talents. There are also tons of booths selling everything imaginable, from delicious food to artwork to folksy clothes. I went with my friends Zoe and Lauren today, and we saw Scottish bagpipers, some banjo players, African marimba players, Indian Kahtak dancers, Reggae bands, and a whole variety of street musicians and performers. It was amazing! I love seeing all the different types of music and dance out there, not to mention all the crazy sorts of people who attend this festival! Sorry these pictures really aren't that great, one of them is showing the bagpipers and the other is showing an old man, who is the one in the sparkly dress thing, dancing with scarves... (??)


Grampa said...

Music is an international language. I'm very jealous of the sunshine. We haven't seen much of it in edmonton.

beej11 said...

wow! woozie this looks so cool I didnt know about this festival in Seattle i would love to go one summer it sounds fantastic!