Friday, November 12, 2010

Building a Blog

As I've been getting more interested in my parenting project I've really been using my blog as a tool to share my ideas, process what I'm learning and get feedback, thoughts, and ideas from other people. Well, the feedback and comments haven't been has been on the light side and I'm not sure what to do to increase it! I've tried asking questions, having giveaways, etc. I guess it's all helping, but I'm surprised at how much work blogging is. I just found out that there's a huge, three day conference in TN coming up for mom bloggers with hundreds of attendees on how to build your blog! Imagine my surprise- you mean there's a whole strategy behind this? Since my goal is to be a better parent and not a better blogger I won't be attending, but it's been interesting to learn about all this!
I also just got published on another kid website:  Although, unfortunately, still no feedback!! (this is not a hint, by the way, just a vent)

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Well I know it wasn't a hint but I just commented on your kid website so check it out :)