Tuesday, November 16, 2010

hellos and goodbyes

It's been a fun time in the singles wards but I am so excited for the next phase. This sunday was a neat closure for me. Last sunday I got up to bear my testimony with the others getting married this month but we ran out of time! We were 10 minutes over so the Bishop drew the line. Well... this week the 2nd and final speaker ended with 10 minutes left. Lo and behold who is invited to bear their testimony? I was thankful for the opportunity and talked of my love for the Savior, how grateful I am for Spencer, how he's so great, and just mostly about the Lord's incredible way of guiding my life. If was really neat to be able to share with the ward and say goodbye in a sense. And HELLO in another!

1 comment:

Grampa said...

OK, which one of you is earn 200. Nice try.