Saturday, November 13, 2010


This semester I am taking Social Dance 180, basically the most basic ballroom dance class there is at BYU. It's a lot of fun! I have really been enjoying it, and I hope to take a few more dance classes while I'm here. This morning, I got to compete in DanceSport, which is a huge event at BYU because there are hundreds of ballroom dancers at all different levels who compete. Me and my partner Lonnie danced in the Chacha competition and made it to the 5th round! I think there are about 8 rounds total or something so we were proud of ourselves. Neither of us consider ourselves very coordinated dancers so we were definitely not expecting to make it that far haha. It really was a lot of fun to dance 5 rounds and check on the TV screen if we had made it to the next one. We would come up with little routines right before we danced a round to make sure we would know what to do. Lonnie's roommate was watching us too and even got a couple video clips on his phone so maybe he'll post them somewhere. I guess my dancing career is launched now haha so I hope to do something similar in the future! Here's a couple pictures from today.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

All those ballet lessons in elementary school paid off!
Way to go Rach!!