Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So as I do the internship I realize that I have had quite the sort of interesting jobs. Let's just say you could call me odd job. My jobs include construction, land scaping, telemarketing, server, dock worker, warehouse worker, construction clean up, newspaper and flyer delivery boy, LSAT instructor, snow board instructor, Legislative Assistant, Porter, Research Assistant, pressure washer, grass mower etc. etc. As you can see almost all of these jobs enjoy physical labour. And here in lies a problem I think I have been struggling with ...... I think I kinda enjoy physical labour. I enjoy seeing how many boxes I can load in an hour, I enjoy trying to line up all the screws and nails in a base board properly before 5 o'clock. I enjoy racing to see if all the sod can be unloaded before the rain begins to fall. Which is all fine and good but I've realized that I struggle to motivate myself and work with the same energy when the activity is predominately mental rather than physical. For example, I have struggle focusing on writing papers (except for the day before the paper is due in which case the paper writing becomes more of a physical rather than a mental exercise as in how fast can you type). My new goal come September is to treat the mental work as physical work. Thus far in my interning experience I have been dealing with mainly physical activities which is good but when it focuses more to mental activities I will need to get creative in keeping myself motivated. Suggestions are welcome.


Grampa said...

This sounds like beej masquerading as 2x2 momma. I for one am not fooled. My suggestion is to break up the work into smaller units, so it does not seem overwhelming. Also work out at least every other day to get the physical activity. Stay balanced.


C.J. Schneider said...

In all of your physical labour senarios you have also included a pressing deadline.

"in an hour"
"before 5 o'clock"
"before the rain begins to fall"

Is it the phsyical labour or the phsyical intensity of an impending deadline (heart racing, palms sweating, your whole mind and body solemnly dedicated and focused on this task) that really motivates you?