Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Soccer season comes to an end

It's been a fun two months for me coaching Oliver's soccer team and also a fun two months for Oliver since he started playing. We had our doubts as to how much he would enjoy it seeing as how he never played before and seemed to get discouraged easily when we would kick it around in the backyard. When Nana and Gramps came to visit us last October I even remember him directing them to pass the ball to each other while he sat down on the sidelines and happily rested. He was keen not to get involved and also realized that having them kick it around would detract from us trying to get him to play. But after a couple of practices he really started to get into it, was always keen to get "coach" as he started calling me to tell him he was playing well. We're definitely going to get him to keep playing and hope that his Scottish roots will give him that extra advantage over the years to come.


Grampa said...

Nice work, coach. From what we saw, you had some really great drills.

C.J. Schneider said...

One of the kids gave coach Jordan a hug when he said good bye at the end of the season.