Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of School

It's amazing that after roughly 18 years of school I still get nervous on the first day. Ar first I was very annoyed how all these pictures would get taken and Mom would take us shopping and summer would be over and I wouldn't get to do what I wanted anymore. Now I definitely miss the photo taking and Momma taking me shopping but I don't miss having to sit at a desk and be a good boy because that was kinda tough as a kid ....... and still is as an adult. However, last Wednesday is very likely the second last time I will ever have a first day of school again.

In second year it so far seems more manageable like they don't scare you by firing off questions that you don't know the answer to just to make sure that you're in law school now and you better work your butt off so I like that but I think overall this semester will be more work because I have to write two major papers and there are a lot of readings. And I want to do better than I did my first year so it may be a long couple of months but just remember Mom I still love you and Goo I'm happy you're getting married in Edmonton and Christmas this year will be wonderful.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

So you actually miss having me take you shopping?
I'll def keep that in mind the next time I'm in Edmonton :)!