Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Share a round

We’ve had a reprieve from winter here in Seattle and in Edmonton. The weather has turned warm after a brief cold snap. This has extended the golf season. Let's just say that golf is a very addicting game. That's partly because its a stern mental and physical test. It’s also an excellent way to communicate with others. As you walk the fairways together in a shared struggle with nature, bonding automatically occurs. You learn a lot about your companions – how they react to stress, how they follow the rules, and what challenges they're facing off the green. For that reason I hope we can all share a round sometime.


mrpuente said...

Sounds like fun. Count me in.

Bonnie White said...

I would rather have a root canal than play a round BUT if it were with the Schneids I might think twice. And make a note that when the snow banks threathen your sanity in mid-February, you can play golf in Phoenix and stay in our home there.