Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hey everybody-
I've been a bit MIA over the last few weeks. I've got a lot of balls in the air, one of them is that I'm obsessed with how to be a better parent. It all started this summer when I caught myself yelling at my kids. I NEVER, EVER used to yell at them, and I didn't want to start. I wanted to know how I could be better. The answer has been a lot more complicated than I initially thought. I've been researching everything from Bestsellers in the early 80's to books by the Dalai Lama and other Christian Faiths, but mostly just a lot of parenting books. I've gotten a lot of good advice, from discipline to scheduling to nurturing creativity and it's been fun and I can say I'm a better parent than I used to be. And my kids are behaving better too, but there's a lot more to learn. I've been documenting everything on my blog, it helps me to learn when I share. I love how blogging can provide that outlet.

1 comment:

LiNds said...

yea, for sure. I think you are an amazing superstar parent! Ian too!