Sunday, September 5, 2010


Nana and I have been on our way home for the past week, road tripping through the Southwest. One of our stops was at the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City. We loved the production of Macbeth.

The story is set in 11th century Scotland. Two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, are returning in triumph from battle when they are met by 3 witches. They give Macbeth 3 prophecies, two of which are shown to be true. The last prophecy, that he will be king, takes hold in his mind and becomes an obsession which leads to his destruction.

I recognized several gospel principles in the play. One is that Satan will often try to deceive us by using some truths amidst his many lies. Our minds are fertile ground for good and bad ideas. If we're to have success we must fill our minds with good thoughts and ideas from the source of light. We must recognize the darkness and shun it. Macbeth failed to do that, and the result was one of the greatest tragedies in literature.
This is good stuff to know when you're trying to find your way home.

We highly recommend the festival. Hope you all get a chance to go there.


Coleen said...

So maybe this is the third time Dad has mentioned that there are no comments on his remarkable post so here's one -
Macbeth was cool. But hanging with OJ on the road trip was cooler.

Eileen Young said...

P-R-O-F-O-U-N-D analysis.

C.J. Schneider said...

Yes, I agree, good analysis. I read somewhere that people often take on an obssession to distract themselves from living their lives and dealing with difficult emotions or realities. I'm sure Satan would steer us towards cowering away from our lives rather than living fully present in them.