Thursday, September 30, 2010

s u n s e t

I'm spoiled because I saw some spectacular urban sunsets the last couple of days. The first was when I was leaving the mall. I stepped out, facing west, at just the right moment when the light was perfect and set the whole side of the building aglow. It looked so cool! The sunset off of a building effect is one of my favorites- how a building's side is the right tool to reflect the beautiful softness of dwindling light.

As if that wasn't amazing enough, I saw ANOTHER cool sunset the next evening on my drive home from Melrose. I finished my errand there and caught my breath because of the INCREDIBLE beauty of the sky. Cool cloud formations are pretty neat, but last night was something special. The light was just right once again, and it ignited the clouds so I could see all their dips and swirls. They formed such amazing shapes, enhanced by the cool peachy, pearly, and silver colors they were made into from the sun! It was awesome!

Even more fun about seeing something cool is sharing it with someone… I was
triple-y spoiled by getting a text from Spence about the ‘REALLY cool sunset outside ....’ I had to agree.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

I love knowing that nature can be enjoyed even right outside a mall in LA.