Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Man vs. Food

So as you hopefully know I love food. A really tough day can quickly turn into a good one with a nice sumptuous feast of food that you love or have prepared and shared. I've realized that some of my friendships are based exclusively around food because it's really the only time we see each other. Eating good food really takes the stress off and is a great way to get to know somebody.

It can also be relieving of character. How does the person eat? Are they slow or fast? Do they use their hands? How much do they eat? Generally speaking i've noticed that big big eaters have big, flamboyant, in your face personalities while people who eat little are more reserved and quiet. Just as an example you can tell that Mom is very proper, refined and polished because she always eats with napkin head is never down and elbows are never on the table unless the main course is done.

This is why I am excited I discovered Man vs. Food. This guy takes it to a whole new level. He defies propriety when it comes to eating. You can tell that he loves the food from the way he describes it and the energy that he uses. I also love how he is NOT a health nut and focuses on greasy deliciousness such as the machine gun sandwich that is basically just a combination of cheese and tonnes of other stuff that has been deep fried. It's a great show because as I said the way a person eats and what they eat says a lot about them and as a result I can tell that the Man vs. Food guy is pure gold.


Coleen said...

Or as Baba always said, "Be a Man and Eat"

Eileen Young said...

What an analytical mind you have.
You were a good eater at our house, mo matter what I served. You are pure gold.