I found the following review online and for a second wished we lived in Salt Lake City. Please allow me to live vicariously through you Utah Schneiders - (my apologies to Coleen and OJ for posting this after your road trip - you did make it to Salt Lake right?)
275 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
"It was luscious. I never thought I’d say that about a burger joint, but take a look at the burgers here, and tell me, just tell me, if the burgers were to live up to their descriptions, would you be interested? Because the descriptions totally fall short of the actual experience. I was really tempted by the truffle burger, because I LOVE truffles, but I finally settled on the 3-bean burger, because it was house-made and every house-made veggie burger I’ve had has been awesome (except the ones I tried to make myself, too wet, didn’t hold together) and, at the server’s suggestion (because she likes it that way), I added bacon. Then she came back to me and said, she’d been thinking and she knows I like truffle flavor and they flavor the truffle burger with the truffle oil blend, and would I like them to cook my 3 bean burger in the truffle oil? Oh sure, twist my arm. And it came with little sautéed tomatoes and artichoke hearts and swiss cheese (extra) and some sauce, and with that truffle oil…. I just don’t know how to tell you how amazing it was. I swear, it was Burger Nirvana.
I asked the server if they do truffle-3bean combo often, and she said no, she’d only thought of it because I’d told her I love truffles. And I asked her, can I request it again? And she smiled and said, sure. Which means, you can have it too. If you want."
ok i'm not a schneid.....but i just had to comment on this. acme burger is amazing. i read the same review and made arrangements to go asap. the burgers lived up to the hype. what totally blew me out of the water were their fries....yukon gold thick cut, shoestring and sweet potato all served belgium style. i can't decide which i like best...maybe i'll have to go for another taste test tomorrow.
So Char remember when you were living in Scotland and you found a review for Paseos restaurant in Seattle that said it was the best ever and you posted it and the Seattle Schneiders tried it out and we were blown away and it's now truly our fave restaurant ever?
Well now I now where I'll be next time I'm in SLC -- especially if it's also got the Mer thumbs up!
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